We Support Our Employee's Development
At Icotera, we aim to create an inspiring and vibrant work environment with clear career paths and opportunities of development for all our employees. Our current initiatives include:
- An annual development wheel and codified review processes to determine advancement/development paths
- A unified career ladder to ensure every employee has room to grow in the company
- A buddy/mentor program for all to support personal development.
These initiatives combined with clear role definitions promote engagement in our business and provide a company where people can grow both personally and professionally.
We Strive for Diversity in Our Leadership Team
We truly believe that a diverse composition of competencies, cultures, genders, and ages can create outstanding results. That is why we strive to recruit talent across all roles and tenure levels to make sure we always have the brightest minds to develop our business. Our colleagues represent many nationalities, and app 25% of leading positions are held by women.
We Respect Labor Rights Including the Right to Organize
Our company code of conduct details the right of employees to good working practices such as fair pay, contracts, and defined responsibilities, and the right to join a labor union. To us, the company code of conduct is a standard procedure internally as well as externally and we expect our suppliers to uphold the same standards as we do.

Minimizing the lifecycle impact of our products

Minimizing climate impact across our operations

Ensuring responsibility across our supply chain