The Wi-Fi management has to exceed the expectations

Today end-users are expecting high speed Wi-Fi in every corner of their home. If they only have a traditional router, unfortunately that’s not what they will get. Many things can slow down a wireless network and create dead spots: Physical things like a floor or a wall or simply the distance between the router and the end-users favorite place in the building to surf the internet. Interference from other devices or other networks close by, will not make the problem smaller.

Mesh solutions are built to resolve these issues. Mesh complements the main router with a series of satellite modules – not just ensuring full Wi-Fi coverage from one end to the other, but also adding intelligence to the network to constantly secure the best performance, balancing between the growing number of devices becoming fundamentals in a modern household. “Why not just add a repeater to boost the network?”, you might ask. Because nowadays a repeater simply won’t do the job. With a Mesh solution you can built an intelligent in-home network and say your final goodbye to all dead spots and drops in performance.

Do you want to test your Wi-Fi performance? We have a few tips for your speedtest here

Wi-Fi 7 Access Point - Sága

Wi-Fi Access Points

Wi-Fi 7 Access Point - Sága

Powerful Wi-Fi, everywhere in the home
Engineered for performance, the access point enables a strong and reliable connection – even in high-demand households. With high-quality components ...

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Wi-Fi 6 Access Point - i356x Series

Wi-Fi Access Points

Wi-Fi 6 Access Point - i3560

Enhanced connectivity with the best Wi-Fi 6 Access Point ever
Consumers are demanding stable and strong Wi-Fi throughout their entire homes. As the numbers of devices being used simultaneously are growing, this ...

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