Running a business like Icotera's includes collaborating with a wide range of business partners and stakeholders from preliminary design phase to final product.
When it comes to reliable business conduct, we oversee activities across our supply chain from our Asian factories to our Danish office to ensure compliance and design for the future. Our governance work sets standards for our entire business.

We Enforce a Legal Code of Conduct for All Suppliers
We take great care to ensure that everyone who is a part of our business in one way or another is treated with respect and common humanity. We require all our suppliers to commit to the same standards as Icotera as well as our supplier code of conduct.

By signing the code of conduct, Icotera’s suppliers are committed to upholding health and safety, fair labor, and human rights. Our ambitions go beyond this, and we are working to expand the code of conduct to raise our ESG requirements by integrating the targets we set to include suppliers as well.

We Conduct Audits to Ensure High Quality of Operations
tandards differ from country to country. This is to be expected. Therefore, we have ensured the legal right to audit and request documentation from all our suppliers and sub-suppliers to ensure a high quality of operations.

Our quality checks include annual onsite visits, ongoing dialogue, random checks, and sample quality checks. These are made to keep track of our entire supply chain and make sure our products and processes always live up to our internal standards.

We Collaborate Closely With Upstream Suppliers
At Icotera, we always strive to improve our products. This means pushing the limits when it comes to functionality, design, ESG, packaging and circularity. Even a slightly smaller router has a high impact, as it uses less raw materials, plastic, packaging and space when shipped - all reducing the CO2 footprint. These parameters are also why we collaborate closely with upstream suppliers to design our products properly.

Circular Together
As part of our governance work, we are innovating in partnerships with our suppliers to be ahead of European legislation on areas like Eco Design, e-waste and circularity to make sure we are continuously improving together and document the impact.